Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's been a while.

Well it has been a long time since my last post and hopes are I will be better about keeping this thing up to date. So to fill you in on the past 9 months of our lives. July = Quick trip to Utah for the 4th where we watched a Baseball game, fireworks, hit the zoo, and relaxed with great friends. August = Hells Canyon backpacking trip. We had planned a 5 day trip with 27 mile round trip total but due to the weather it turned into a total of 30 hours and 17 miles total. It went from sun and wind to down pour rains and wind followed by my face blistering into a disaster. Still had a great time with the Garrison's and the Russell's. September = 6 years of marriage celebrated at the Jason Mraz concert. Wow six years! October = Yet another move. Well kind of. Matt was offered a contract job with Nordstrom again and we decided to take advantage of the opportunity and worked out a deal with Mike and Heath to let Matt stay with them. The 3 month contract has turned into a 9 month contract and a lot of flights back and forth to Seattle. I'm not complaining about the time in Seattle, but being a single mom and hearing Matt's sad voice when he talks to Ike is a killer. Thank god for our awesome family that has helped out in so many ways to make this all possible. Fingers crossed we will have an idea of moving or not this summer. November = Thanksgiving and lots of food. December = Christmas with lots of family and friends. The highlight being the midnight bike ride through the neighborhood with Jess and Jackie. I love how the holidays bring out the kid in everyone. January = another year older for Matt and an adult weekend for Matt and I in Seattle. We finally made it to the EMP and Scifi museum. Matt was amazed with all the cool junk and I was just happy to be there to celebrate with him. February = Just a boring winter month. March = Another year older for me and another great weekend with my boys. I can't forget March was the month of illness for Ike and I. Flu, colds, ear infections, and bronchitis. That is a summary of the past nineish months. As for April it is starting off the right way Matt and I get a whole week together first him in Boise than all of us in Seattle for a little bit of time. I'm hoping I will be able to keep up on blogging more and use this as I get out and take more photos with my new camera. So keep checking back.

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