Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Oh Deer!!

We took full advantage of the great weather yesterday and took Frankenstien and Isaac for a walk around the neighborhood. On our way back home from the dog park we ran into a deer. He was very brave and Matt took full advantage of the photo op. Our mighty hunting dog was more interested in chasing the flash from the camera then the deer. Ike was awake for the deer but slept through most of the outing. Even with him sleeping through our walk he still gave us two thumbs up, but moved his hands when we tried to prove he was giving us the thumbs up and enjoying it. 

Few more photos from the trip. Ike with his great grandparents, and his food coma after meeting them. 

Road Trip to Boisenburger

So it has been a while since the last post, but we went out of town and then had to recover from our trip. We took a little road trip over to good old Idaho to show off Isaac as well as celebrate Chris and Becky's wedding. Isaac was adored at the wedding by everyone, and he picked up a few more mom's. I figured it was necessary to find a couple more mom's considering he has 3 dads. So Jacki, and Jess are official mom's but we prefer to go by L.O.L.'s (A couple glasses of wine may have been involved in choosing our name). I had a blast and lets just say one glass of wine and I was done. I guess that will happen when you don't drink for about 10 months.  It was great to see everyone at the wedding and what a flashback to the great times we had through out high school, and by the end of the night there were moments we were acting like we were back in high school. That damn deaf donkey!!! Other than the great time we had at the wedding we also had a chance to hang out with a lot of family. Isaac had a chance to meet his cousin Lily and uncle Jon and Aunt Melissa. I believe Lily took advantage of his arrival and dressed him up. I think there is a picture out there with Ike wearing earrings. Ike also assisted me with babysitting his great grandma. Lets just say I'm never going to be ready to have more than one child after the weekend I had with Ike and grandma. You say it is different but you have yet to meet my grandma. It was great to get back to Idaho and see everyone. On the way back home we stopped in the Tri-Cities so Isaac could meet his Great Grandma Jane and Great Grandpa Ken, and Great Uncle Wayne. Ike loves his Great Grandma Jane, cuz he found out quickly a little whining meant a lot of extra food. I swore we were going to leave Kennewick with an obese child, but the extra food put him in a food coma, and avoided further weight gain. All in all it was a great trip, but I was ready to be back to normal life. The night we got back Isaac began sleeping through the night, well 6 hours in a row. Maybe we should take another trip and see if he sleeps a full 8 hours. 

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Bath time = dress up

Poor Ike has to first go through being manhandle through a bath, and then has to deal with being dressed up like random animals. We almost made it through dress up without a complete meltdown, almost! Some how Matt hasn't put up a huge fight about Isaac being dressed up in the "cutesy shit" (as he calls it). 

Monday, June 2, 2008

Well the Tolmans had another fun weekend, and tried to celebrate Ike surviving his first month. It started late Friday night with a girls night out for me and a boys night out for Matt and Ike. I was able to go see my new favorite movie Sex and The City with Jen and Patti. It was a much needed night for me, and I appreciate Matt taking on the full time duties of Isaac so I could go out with the girls. Matt and Ike got their boys night as well that night. Hanging out with Jake and watching some boy movie. Of course the night had its drama. Being new parents and all we still haven't gotten down how to prepare ourselves in a timely fashion. On the way to the theatre I receive a phone call from Matt asking if we had left our door unlocked in hopes to get Ike's bottle and food that we left on the counter. (I made sure I pulled it out so we didn't forget it, and that worked well) No luck with an unlocked door, and the only key was with me on our way to the movies. The boys took an adventure to Fred Meyers to find them closed, on to Wal-Mart and they were closed as well. What happened to 24 hour Wal-Marts? Last but not least Safe-Way to the rescue. Isaac didn't starve and Jake and Matt were able to get refills on their beers. Saturday was another movie night for the family with Ike's first trip to the drive in theatre. Nothing better than kicking it in the back of the good old Subaru to watch a couple of movies. We watched the Chronicles of Narnia, and Ironman. Well at least Matt watched them, Isaac and I fell asleep. Still it was a fun night and a great way for Matt and I to see a movie together. After our adventures of being unprepared this weekend I have begun my list of what we need for our trip to Boise. I'm sure we will forget something important and realize it when Ike is having a melt down and we are in the middle of nowhere.